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Besides the main account with which a Nightwatch account was created, accounts can also have a number of users that can access its data or just part of it. These are called subusers, and there are two kinds: admin and limited. Admin users can access every aspect of an account, including invoicing, billing settings, and subuser administration. Limited subusers can only access URL groups they've been granted access to. Additionally, permissions can be granted to limited subusers to create new keywords and URLs.

A third special class of subusers is owner, there is only one of this kind, and it's a read-only property, that is, another subuser cannot be made owner. Owner subusers are an account's registration users. Onwers cannot be deleted, to switch the owner of an account you need to contact support.

Subusers data

idSubuser ID
emailSubuser email
access_typeWhether this is an "admin" or "limited" subuser
ownerWhether this subuser is the owner of the account
adding_keywordsWhether this user can create new keywords
adding_urlsWhether this user can create new URLs
group_idsURL groups' IDs this subuser has access to
keyword_limitNumber of keywords this subuser can create
keyword_limit_enabledWhether keywords limit is enabled
url_limitNumber of URLs this subuser can create
url_limit_enabledWhether URLs limit is enabled
last_accessLast time this user logged in
last_login_ipLast IP address this subuser logged in from
createdWhen this user was created

List subusers

curl '' \\
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 100,
      "access_type": "admin",
      "adding_keywords": true,
      "adding_urls": true,
      "created": "about 6 years ago",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "group_ids": [],
      "keyword_limit": 0,
      "keyword_limit_enabled": false,
      "last_access": "3 minutes ago",
      "last_login_ip": "",
      "owner": true,
      "url_limit": 0,
      "url_limit_enabled": false

HTTP Request


Get a subuser

curl '' \\
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "id": 101,
    "access_type": "limited",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "group_ids": [100, 101, 102],
    "adding_keywords": true,
    "adding_urls": true,
    "keyword_limit": 10,
    "keyword_limit_enabled": true,
    "url_limit": 10,
    "url_limit_enabled": true

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

subuser_id*Subuser ID to fetch

Create a subuser

After creating a subuser, the system will send an email to the address provided with a confirmation link. This link will redirect the user to a page where they can set their password, and confirm the registration. Only after this process is completed the subuser account can be used.

curl '' \\
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
  -X POST \\
  -d '{
        "subuser": {
          "access_type": "limited",
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "group_ids": [100, 101, 102],
          "adding_keywords": true,
          "adding_urls": true,
          "keyword_limit": 10,
          "keyword_limit_enabled": true,
          "url_limit": 10,
          "url_limit_enabled": true,
          "created": "less than a minute ago",
          "last_access": null,
          "last_login_ip": ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "id": 101,
    "access_type": "limited",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "group_ids": [100, 101, 102],
    "adding_keywords": true,
    "adding_urls": true,
    "keyword_limit": 10,
    "keyword_limit_enabled": true,
    "url_limit": 10,
    "url_limit_enabled": true

HTTP Request



email*Subuser email
access_type*Whether this is an "admin" or "limited" subuser
adding_keywordsWhether this user can create new keywords
adding_urlsWhether this user can create new URLs
group_idsURL groups' IDs this subuser has access to
keyword_limitNumber of keywords this subuser can create
keyword_limit_enabledWhether keywords limit is enabled
url_limitNumber of URLs this subuser can create
url_limit_enabledWhether URLs limit is enabled

Parameters marked with * are mandatory.

Update a subuser

curl '' \\
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
  -X PUT \\
  -d '{
        "subuser": {
          "access_type": "limited",
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "group_ids": [100, 101, 102],
          "adding_keywords": true,
          "adding_urls": true,
          "keyword_limit": 10,
          "keyword_limit_enabled": true,
          "url_limit": 10,
          "url_limit_enabled": true,
          "created": "less than a minute ago",
          "last_access": null,
          "last_login_ip": ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "access_type": "limited",
    "group_ids": [100, 101, 102, 103],
    "adding_keywords": true,
    "adding_urls": true,
    "keyword_limit": 20,
    "keyword_limit_enabled": true,
    "url_limit": 20,
    "url_limit_enabled": true

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

subuser_id*Subuser ID to be updated

Parameters marked with * are mandatory.


access_typeWhether this is an "admin" or "limited" subuser
adding_keywordsWhether this user can create new keywords
adding_urlsWhether this user can create new URLs
group_idsURL groups' IDs this subuser has access to
keyword_limitNumber of keywords this subuser can create
keyword_limit_enabledWhether keywords limit is enabled
url_limitNumber of URLs this subuser can create
url_limit_enabledWhether URLs limit is enabled

Delete a subuser

curl '' \\
  -X DELETE \\
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\

The above command returns a HTTP 204 response.

HTTP Request



subuser_id*Subuser ID to be deleted

Parameters marked with * are mandatory.